How to Post Anonymously on Facebook? Quick Guide

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How to Post Anonymously on Facebook

Did you know that approximately 37.2% of the Earth’s population uses Facebook today? It’s no surprise then that Facebook’s popularity extends far and wide.

Among the many privileges it offers, I think we can all agree that the ability to share your thoughts anonymously ranks high on the list. This feature adds more freedom and privacy to our online experience.


By understanding how to use this option, you can make the most of the platform while maintaining your privacy.

One way to post anonymously on Facebook is to create a separate account with a pseudonym and limited personal information. Another way is to change your privacy settings to limit the audience for your posts.

Join me as I guide you through each step on how to post anonymously on Facebook and provide some additional tips to make the most of this feature.

What Is Anonymous Posting?

As the name suggests, anonymous posting is when you share something without revealing your name. Instead of using your real name, you may use any pseudo name or even create an anonymous ID to protect your private account.

You may be surprised that Facebook is currently the only top-of-the-charts social media platform that allows anonymous posting.

Why Post Anonymously on Facebook?

“Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn’t be the price we accept for just getting on the Internet,” as wisely stated by Gary Kovacs.

Despite the negative stereotype often associated with anonymous posting, there are compelling reasons why individuals might not want to reveal their identity.

Here are a few reasons for posting anonymously on Facebook:

Privacy Concerns

Privacy is a major concern for all of us while using social media. The anonymous posting allows people to be vocal and share their thoughts.

How to Post Anonymously on Facebook

It keeps their personal information and opinions private from acquaintances, friends, and even strangers (depending on the privacy setting).

Controversial Discussions

Engaging in sensitive talks, particularly when putting forth an unpopular opinion (i.e., stating the downsides of a popular political figure’s regime), can be risky with your identity on the line.

In such cases, it is preferred to hide oneself behind a line of privacy and then voice your opinions.

Mental Health Support

Unfortunately, mental health is still stigmatized in some parts of the world. It is considered taboo. In such circumstances, staying anonymous can help people find their space and feel heard without dealing with unwanted judgments and advice.

In addition, regardless of mental health issues, people prefer opening up about their personal experiences involving emotions like shame or guilt through anonymous means.


Although uncommon, whistleblowing is a reason that may make the opportunity of anonymous posting a relief.

For example, if someone has information that can put themselves or their family at risk, staying undercover is better than throwing yourself under the bus.

In this manner, potential repercussions can be easily avoidable.

How to Anonymously Post on Facebook?

If you want to post anonymously without abandoning your account, Facebook allows two methods. You could create a separate Facebook account using a different name to keep your identity a secret on social media.

Also, use a different email address than the one connected to your profile and only enter limited or invalid personal information.

However, if you don’t want to create a separate pseudo account, you could always restrict your privacy settings and post what you want.

Nonetheless, don’t forget to recheck your privacy settings to allow only a trusted group of people to see your post, and put up a profile lock if needed.

With this limited access, you’ll be able to get your point across without the threat of facing any widespread fallouts.

You may also consider fusing the two to get an added layer of protection and create a privacy-enhanced anonymous account.

How to Turn on Anonymous Post in Facebook Groups?

Being a user-oriented platform, Facebook has allowed the feature of anonymous posting in Facebook groups. However, it is liable to the decision of the group admin and the group settings.

If the admin has enabled anonymous posting, you can choose whether or not to reveal your identity when operating on the platform. If the feature isn’t available in your group’s settings, consider discussing it with the admin.

Having discussed that, if you are an admin, you can follow the instructions below to enable anonymous posting on Facebook groups.

1. Open Facebook and select the group you want to post anonymously.

2. Go to the Write Something section and tap the Anonymous Post option below.

3. Before posting, activate the Post Anonymously switch.

4. A prompt will show up detailing how anonymous posts work. Confirm by selecting the “I want to post anonymously” button.

5. Craft your post, then click Submit. Once live, your name will be Group Member in private Facebook groups or Group Participant in public.

And there you have it! Your anonymous post is ready to be shared.

How to Post Anonymously on Facebook Mobile?

If you want to post anonymously from your Facebook mobile account, you must create a separate account with a pseudonym. Nonetheless, it is possible to enable anonymous posting in a group setting as an admin.

To learn how to post anonymously on Facebook group on phone, follow these steps:

1. Open the Facebook App on your phone and log in.

2. Go to the group where you need to change the setting.

3. Go to the menu icon in the group and select Group Settings.

4. Scroll down and find the Post Approval section.

5. Find the Anonymous Post option and toggle it on.

Yep, it’s that easy! Now, you can engage in discussions on Facebook without revealing your account information. So, regardless of wanting to, no one will be able to see the basic information of your profile.

Why Can’t I Post Anonymously on Facebook Groups?

Yes, Facebook does enable anonymous posting, but that’s not where the story ends. Some group settings might not allow the option due to harassment concerns or other group rules. Similarly, as discussed above, an objection on the admins’ part may also be a hindrance.

While it isn’t possible to solve this issue by playing around with the settings of your account, here are some feasible solutions instead.

  • Group Settings: Go to the group and check if its settings allow anonymous posting. If yes, and you still can’t do so, you might want to refresh the webpage or the Facebook App on your phone.
  • Group Rules: Try to understand where the group’s rules come from if it does not allow anonymous posting. More often than not, the admin has a solid reason behind their decision.
  • Contact The Admin: If you believe that you, along with other group members, could benefit from anonymous posting in the group, you may consider proposing your idea to the admin. Make sure you have a convincing reason up your sleeve.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


As I wrap this up, I must say that posting anonymously on Facebook provides us with a valuable tool to express ourselves while keeping our privacy intact.

However, it is essential to note that anonymity is not absolute, and we must be responsible for our opinions and words. Let’s aim for positive online interactions, nurture a supportive virtual community, and, when necessary, use anonymous posting to protect our personal information.

Happy posting, and stay safe online!

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